Feel the Presence of the Divine in your hands, feel the Presence of the Divine in your heart, and in all of the space around you.
In your heart you carry the people that you love, people that have meaning for you. And the Presence of God rests in your heart, and in the hearts of the people you hold dear to you-inside you. When you are in the Presence of the Divine-as you are now, all of the souls of the people you love are influenced by your own healing experience. You are here representing a community of people that are aware of the healing powers the Divine is offering here in this moment to you. And as the Healing Powers of God fill you, so those close to you recognize energetically this shift, and participate openly in receiving with you the Power of Divine Light. And so the community grows-as others feel the Power of Divine Light, on and on, from connection to connection. And this bridge of peace-a heart filled with peace-crosses many lands and crosses the earth. Here in this moment-as in other times, we ignite the beginning of a change-of healing peace, healing wounds, healing sorrows and illnesses that extend the days across the earth. No one is blocked from being energetically connected anywhere. On this earth is a Divine Order for healing. And you are participating in the healing of many in this moment, as you have done over the years in the past. There is community work in groups such as this, who feel the Divine Presence in their hands, and in their hearts, and in waves manifesting through the entire body. And concentrating in places within you that need movement and change-movement and change keeps in the flow of healing movement in your body. You can feel the Divine Energy moving through your body, tingling in your hands or feet, tingling in the brain-as Divine Vibrations flow through you, through every aspect of you. Through your blood and muscles, into the marrow of your bones, cleaning the tissues of your body, and healing the tissues of your body. You can feel it happening in this moment. Sense your own Self in this moment. And sense the Presence of God inside you in this moment-that you and God are One Energy inside yourself, creating greater intelligence, greater perceptions, greater awareness of subtle information all around you. You are able to see differently, farther, with clarity, perception is heightened. The perception of the Divine is a gift to you. It is to hold you steady. When issues on the earth are ripe with malice and disharmonies, you go to this moment inside yourself where the Divine is nesting in your very being. And you can feel the strength, and you can know the wisdom of staying strong and steady-not being influenced by energies outside yourself that have the intention of rocking you, or taking you out of this blessed state of Grace. Feel this blessed state of Grace which is influencing all of you-your heart, the circumstances of your life being put right by Divine Hands. Stay calm in this blessed Grace. And allow the Divine to answer your needs, to organize your circumstances, and to make your experience on earth constructive and creative, and satisfied to your soul. These are the Gifts of the Divine to you. Feel the fulness of these Gifts within you. Remember these Gifts. Feel the presence of heat, Divine Blessing in your heart and through your body.
Feel the Presence of Divine Blessing moving your body, moving the energy of your body to release old ideations- pocketed energies from the past. And as the Divine moves the energy of your body, you may feel heat in an area of your body that is especially in need of movement and energetic change. And allow that movement to happen without interruption. You will quietly notice your body shifting in particular areas. Be thankful that Divine Intelligence is overriding the nature of your body and shifting the energies to a higher energy field that is free to move, and be flexible-as you want all the energy in your body, especially in your brain and lungs and heart to be flexible, to be in movement. Releasing the stresses of the day and embracing the Blessing that rights the cells, and reproduces the cells of your body. And makes healthy and whole any area that needs change. You will this warmth-the energy shifting and moving-as it feels odd, it is also healing. Allow yourself to know that Gods’ attention upon you will right the cells of your body according to your DNA structure and code. And you will be made whole and healthy. And that this health will last over time. And we ask for this Blessing of healing to the brain, that stressors in the brain be released. The brain relaxed, opening new cells, generating new cells that your intelligence be blessed by God-by this Healing Energy. That your brain be balanced and that the brain work perfectly. Blessing the brain stem, releasing stress in the brain stem, and filling the brain stem with Divine Light. That at the core of your brain and brain stem is Divine Light, to continue to regenerate and make new the brain. And to make new eyes and ears-hearing, and to make new lungs and heart, the muscles, all the liquids of the body to be purified and filled with Divine Light. The bones strengthened in Divine Light, the spine and the spinal column made to be relaxed and regenerated. That all of the spine, the structure of the body be made new and whole. Feel the fullness in this moment-of Divine Grace in your hands. Inside you, all around you, all the atmosphere around you-full of Divine Grace here to strengthen you-that you might receive Love-Divine Love into every aspect of who you are. That all you need be provided for your soul and physical journey on this earth. Indeed, being a Child of God gives you the privilege of Divine Grace in your walking on this earth. Feel that Love in your hands, and in all the atmosphere around you now. Your whole world is being filled with Divine Light, Holy Healing. And your hands hold this Healing. And you will take this Healing Gift everywhere you go-to be shared. Be at ease and feel the Divine deep within you. This is who you really are. Memorize now who you really are. Full of Grace and Hope and Love. May your vision be blessed in Divine Light. Feel the Presence of God in your hands and in your heart.
Feel the fullness in your hands and this fullness of the Presence of God in the atmosphere around you-heat in your hands and in your heart. The Holy Ones are here to support you. Feel that energetic support at your back, your shoulders. Feel the heat of the Divine Love all through your arms and legs, in the cells of your brain. And as Divine Love fills the cells of your brain, your body relaxes. The brain is made full-energetically full, and you will feel this energy moving through the cells of your brain, calming the brain. And allowing the brain to receive subtle energetic messages, subtle knowing, subtle guidance that you may go forward at this time full of Divine Grace. Passing through open doors, open spheres, moving forward without resistance or containment of any kind. It is a time that your Divine Heart leads your way. Your Divine Heart discerns your path. And that path be open and full of Grace, full of the blessings that you need along the way. Manifesting in this physical world protection, guidance and the physical supplies required to be in the work, to record the work. Feel the fullness of the Spirit of God in your hands, in your heart, in all the atmosphere around you. Feel the manifestation of Divine Love that you can hold in your hands, that you can feel in the atmosphere around you, supporting you in moving forward on your truest path with ease-an ease never known before. The Holy Saints surround you and surround the work they call you to do. The work is defined by the Divine and the Holy Saints. Your heart is in agreement to bring into the world what you are inspired to do. Each of you drawing into the world these gifts from the Holy Spirit, delivered by the Holy Ones to your consciousness, your heart, your hands-to bring it into the world. Feel the fullness of Divine Grace inside you, and all around you, that you might understand the full measure of this message, this calling into being. And in this moment we as a group send into the world this Divine Healing for all of those beings on the planet-for gentleness, for gentle love to be expressed in the hearts of all living beings. That Divine Order come to the world at this time. A Divine Order come to the world at this time. We are anchoring the Grace that is needed to heal the hearts and minds of human beings on this earth. We are anchoring the Grace and asking that the Divine take this Grace and pass it to all human beings for the purpose of gentle Love, for the purpose of true affection. The blue light of the Holy Mother pass through every human being for the purpose of healing the heart, the spirit and soul. That this Love ignite peace in the minds and in the experience of all human beings at this time. Feel the fullness of this blue Grace in your hands, in your whole being and know this power reaches out all through the world now. As this blue light fills you, and you experience deep healing and relaxation in yourself. |
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