Lars Muhl
The Law of Light – The Secret Teachings of JesusIn these times of global war and unrest, economic instability, religious extremism, environmental problems and spiritual alienation, His Holiness the Dalai Lama is travelling the world, spreading his simple but powerful message of inner peace and compassion. But when he visits the West, he calls for Christians to stay with their faith and to seek Jesus’ esoteric teachings.
More Information Lars Muhl Lars Muhl Joins Sister Jenna on the Law of Light. Lars Muhl joins Sister Jenna on the America Meditating Radio Show to share the story of his spiritual awakening. Prior to becoming a bestselling author, Lars was a successful singer-songwriter in Denmark and mainland Europe. When an unexplained illness left him bedridden for three years, a web of synchronicities led him to meet a Seer who was able to revive him after a single phone call. read more |