Feel the fullness of the Presence of God in your hands, in your chest.
Feel the fullness of Divine Love in your chest and in your hands. Notice the fullness growing-feeling your body filled with Divine Healing, with Divine Love. Feel the Divine Love moving in the veins and arteries of your body. Divine Love cleansing the blood, opening the arteries and veins. Feel Divine Love in the organs of your body, and still in the veins and arteries A special cleansing blessing on the waters of your body. We pray for the purification of the waters of the earth, and we pray now for the purification of the waters of your body. That your body receive Divine Light in your whole physical form. Divine Light in your brain-every cell of your brain filled with Healing Light, and this Healing Light moves through the eyes-healing the eyes, the ears-awakening hearing; and through your whole body: hips and knees, wrists, ankles, feet, hands-that the Divine Energy might flow freely throughout your body. Feel the fullness of Divine Light through your whole physical form and see this Divine Light filling your spirit and your soul. Imagine now the Presence of God reading to you, reading words of wisdom that are forever memorized by the cells of your body, your spirit and soul. God is reading to you from the Wisdom of the Heart of God-the knowledge of loving and purification. You may feel tingling or sensations in your feet and hands. As this blessing increases continuously-continuously increasing within you. Allow the Presence of God to tell you the story of who you really are. And energetically seal the Story of God-of who you really are, deep inside you. You will not forget the story told to you, and written deep inside you! You will remember your strength and fullness within you. You will remember your healing. We send the Light of God out into the world. We send the Light of God to all the souls on the earth for the purification of all peoples on the earth. We send the Light of God to establish truth, justice and peace to all the people of the earth. We at this moment send the Presence of God to all the people of the earth, and to the earth. That all people of the earth reflect Divine Light to the earth. All the people of the earth reflect Divine Light, Divine Love, to the earth. To purify the elements of the earth and those same elements within us. We are animated by the Intelligence and the Love and Spirit of the Divine. And the earth is animated by the Love and Spirit of the Divine, reflecting Divine Intelligence to the people of the earth. The Divine animate our world! Without the Divine there is no movement, and yet the Divine is always the same. Something inside you is always the same while you are in movement. You are loved and that love is always the same in every cell, in every aspect of who you are-while you are in movement. Feel the peace of Divine Blessing inside you and around you. And extending from you to all living beings, and the earth. This is the same for all time while everything is move-in motion. We hold the hand of change. While Love is forever the same inside us. Feel the Presence of the Light of God in your hands and all around you.
Feel the Presence of Divine Love in the center of your chest. Feel your chest expanding in the Presence of Divine Love. You may feel heat in your body as the Presence of Divine Love fills your spirit, and soul, and physical body. You may feel heat in the area of your stomach-as the healing of all those mentioned today-the healing is felt in all of our bodies, as it is in theirs. The healing is shared amongst all you hold in your heart, and yourself, and the members here today. For those that are ill need Divine Love in their hearts-need the Light of God in the cells of their brain, relaxing the brain-causing fear to fall aside and hope and healing to grow in every cell of the brain and the physical body. So you may feel the Presence of Divine Love inside your physical self in the form of heat-as this Divine Love is healing illnesses in the trunk of the body, in the mind, in the heart, and in the atmosphere surrounding each of those you pray for, and yourselves. The atmosphere is being cleared-that you might breathe in the Light of God, and breath out that which is toxic to the whole self. And you will feel yourself resting deeply inside. Relaxed and open that the Healing Love of God be received most deeply into your whole self, and into those you love-for the purpose of healing in every way. Saving circumstances for those that need a shift to higher ground physically, where they live-those that need physiological care and a boost of love. We are but human and being human creates misjudgments, mistakes, errors of all kinds that could not be seen in advance of their happening. And God knows these errors will occur. And Divine Grace erases the consequences of misjudgments and hardships-that Grace fill every cell in your physical body, in your spirit and soul-in the atmosphere around you-that change-Divinely designed change will occur. The atmosphere around you will stay Holy, drawing all circumstances to the highest ground. Illness is the vibration and the Light of God can shift that vibration, and establish wellness. We ask that each of these people be given the strength-mighty strength-to be able to perceive the change in their reality. A change driven by Grace for the purpose of manifesting the Reality of God in our world, the Reality of God in our world, and everyday experience. And let us together manifest the Presence of God deep within your whole being, deep within the atmosphere around you, deep within the circumstances of your everyday world, your human world. That Divine Love lift the human circumstances higher-above the laws of nature, and the laws of men, into the realm of moral fairness where Love surmounts all pain. Where Love resides fully in the form of Light. Light with no opposite, with no opposing force. Radiance established-as the finest radiance established, as the finest existence in the human form. Here, now, feel the Light of God filling you, that you exist fully in Divine Light! And those you pray for-that they physically are living in Divine Light. And in the circumstances around them-that all fairness exists in their worlds and in our own. Feel the fullness of God’s Love manifested as fairness, as justice, as peace resting within you. Feel the fullness of Divine Presence inside you. Feel the waves of Divine Love embracing you. This is a relationship for all eternity. The Light within you is for all eternity. |
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